I notice something, that each time I read English medium like magazine, papers or novels. I will read it out loud. Because I love the way my voice pronounce it and I want to get the right pronunciation. I notice when I do it in public, people will look strange at me.
Maybe they think that I want to show off but the fact is there is nothing to show off. I am not someone who born with mat salleh surrounding. Both of my grandparents are melayu-jawa. Each time I went back to kampung, they will talk in their slang.
No one want to practice English with me and to enter the higher level in law, I need to full the requirement which is getting at least Band 4 in MUET. ( at least ok )
It seem easy to ones who familiar with english speaking at home but I'm not one. So, I really don't care if you think I want to show off or 'bajet bagus' or 'kerek' or whatever you think. Sometimes I never think about my appearance when its about to do what I like. Erk!