Monday, February 12, 2018

The one who can't be enough

I've always had this is mind,
am I not accepted because of my physical?
am I left out because of my face is breaking out?
people says, confident make you beautiful 
and so, I be one.

But it isn't enough.
I still felt as I'm being left out.
Can't the world just accept me for I am?
Can't the world accept me just the way I am?
Can't I remain fat and still being loved?
Can't I have dark skin, blemished skin, scars,pimples and still being loved?

Because I believe there is place for people like me.
Because I believe a person's love is beyond all that we can see
from the appearance.
Because I believe a true love that comes from the deepest heart
are limitless.

I know, I must make an effort.
I know everything I will receive after that is worth my effort.
but what about other people's effort?
how about your effort to accept me just right?

I could really understand if it was a stranger who cannot accept me,
but what makes it difficult and hurt is because,
I felt left out when I am with those people I cherish in my life.
The one I've been living with since my day one.

That's why it's difficult to bear.
That's why it's hard to tell.
That's why, even for writing this, 
my heart resist.
But somehow, my fingers managed to win.