Tuesday, February 20, 2018

She who thinks otherwise

She always sending secret messages for him publicly. Messages that she knows will never be able to reach him. Messages that she knows will never understood by him. She wrote about him in her poems, in her words when she spoke, in the caption of every picture and in every pictures taken. 

Today, the boy is uploading a screenshot-ed lyric and the 'i want to thank you' was bold in white. She knows that it wasn't meant for her, that it wasn't conveyed to her and is wasn't directed to her. However, she refuse to listen. She insist, that the message this time, would be for her, because she deserve a thank you.

She deserve a thank you for loving him so much and get nothing in return. She is okay with that for it was what she expecting from the start. She deserve a thank you for giving so much love and accepting the fact that she could not be loved back. She deserve a thank you for understand that it was his right of not choosing her. She deserve a thank you for letting him go. 

And all she wanted to reply is 'welcome'. Welcome for coming to her life and now, please live happily, please love unconditionally.

because all that she ever wanted for him, is happiness.