I have think about it for the last weekend,
for someone that is not important in your life,
don't waste your time and energy to dwell on them.
so, here is the thing with my supervisor,
i rant about him a lot,
and he's now quite famous among my friends
because I told them all and also
updating about my supervisor on instastoriessss and also in twitter.
but I am still not happy with myself doing this.
because I feel bad ranting on people.
because sometimes my supervisor is not so ill tempered.
I need to remind myself that everyone have different stories behind
Plus, I will only see him throughput my internship period
which approximately will end in 127 days.
So, I will just stop ranting on my supervisor.
Make the stories in the office known to public.
and stop making him famous for that.
because once I finish my internship,
I would never want to have any kind of relationship with him.
I gonna hate if people remind me of him.
so better not to tell them about him.
because he's not someone important in life.
he's not worth thinking of.
so he can do whatever he wanna do.
and I'll say whatever I ever wanted to say.
he always scold and yell at me for no reasons.
he can do that as he please.
but he will need to bear the affect because I am going to talk back.
masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan,