Change is needed.
Change for betterment is necessary,
as we grow up,
we grow old,
we made mistakes,
and we learn,
that's why, we change.
but a change just to fit in someone's else life is wrong,
you are being unfair to yourself.
God create each one of us differently for a reason,
to diversify the world,
to make it beautiful with our own colors,
that's why we couldn't be the same.,
because we are needed to complete each other not against each other.
however, if you are not accepted to where you feels you belong, leave.
if it means that they will hate you -- let it be.
After all, we are not born to please everyone.
The purpose of us living in this world is to please our God
and if He pleases with us, that alone should be enough.
so if you wanna hate me
for being me,
go ahead.