Friday, April 26, 2013

Further Studies.

Firstly, what will happen on this 1 May? I go or not? Where is the official letter which I should get a week ago? Hey, hello!! I already pack my things. I really do not want to unpack my thing. It was so tiring. Plus, I am not someone who remember where to put all those thing and I also do not know where to put thing which I bought a few weeks ago. 

My bilik so semak ok!

When I got news about I got accepted by Matrikulasi for 2013/2014 session, it makes me feel reincarnated. It likes I love to do it again. I mean, I want to do it once again. The same things I learn in my high school. I do love to learn something new under NMIT  program but I do love to tebus my Chemist and Addmath especially. Bio ad Physic? I can try harder and harder. I know it will not be easy but ada ke benda yang senang dalam dunia ni except eat, poops and sleep?

Then I ask, why don't give a try. I mean a try to repeat. 
Then I ask, how about being still with something NEW 

My heart want both but Allah had decide. So I wait until this Tuesday. After that, InshaAllah I know my answer.