Monday, April 1, 2013


Hemma, I am not those who friendly. I mean, I am a friendly one but
not to all. And, and it depend on the situation. 
You know, I have my own mood swing 'tak kira masa' so 
my level of friendly is highly depended on that. Jerk right?

 But, I seriously love to talk to strangers. Its like you can tell them 
matter that wondered you and listen to their idea. 
And I always got something that I love. I mean the idea is beautifully created. 
I can look at different angle. Out of my circle!!
I used to approach people ( strangers ). 
Sometimes my crazy act will attract them to accept my 'salam perkenalan'. 
Its like, I was being myself in front of them. 
so, those who can accept me with my stand can get along with me,
and whose don't, I will not forcing them. 
'I buat tak kisah' 

But, I look weird into myself. Because I wonder so very much,
and this question remains in my mind; 

Why I cannot be friendly to my schoolmate?

Yeah, I just talk to my classmate. I just feel easy with them. 
It not because I am being arrogant to others but I simply make a thought
that people who doesn't know me, will judge me slightly 
from my 'prefect character', so I just do not want make things going hard on
anyone, so I decide to hold the distance. 

Prefect is my responsibilities and for that responsibilities I 
receive so much crictic and I know people talk behind me and judge 
me, even they do not really know me.

Maybe because of that, I am friendly to strangers bot not to my schoolmates =)