Thursday, March 22, 2018

When someone in pain

and when someone in pain,
you couldn't mock their pain.
that's the rule,
everyone should root in their head.

how many people have been hurt,
just because of our words?
just because we couldn't see the
relevance and logic of what they're going through

and very often,
we think that their pain is smaller than us,
we think that their pain less matter than ours,
we think that they shall cope it better,
we think they should just stop being childish,

but dear,
things are easy when we are not in the shoes,
when we are not the one experiencing,
but things gonna be different, if we were at their place,

it's normal if we couldn't understand one's pain
in a whole,
it's logical if we couldn't help everyone in pain,
it's okay.

what's not okay,
if we mock their pain.

if we couldn't be any help,
at least, do not be the caused
of one getting more sting
on their painful wound.

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