Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Make people happy

If earth is just a small dot in universe that Allah has created beautifully for us,
it means that, the world I have seen, places I have been,
it's not even 1% of the universe. MasyaAllah

and I was thinking of what have I done for twenty three years of living.
I have hurt many hearts,
I have been a very bad daughter to my parents,
a very unreliable sister to my siblings,
a very selfish person to my friends,
a very rude students to my teachers,
and a pain in my team.

so imagine, if I can travel to all over that small dot,
how much damage I will cause,
how many hearts I will harm?

and, even so

Allah still sending beautiful souls to me,
to accompany me
along my roughest way

and what did I ever do to receive their kindness in return?
what did I ever do that Allah reward me with those kind of people in my life

and I know,
only by saying that I am grateful is not enough,
only by assuring myself by saying that I will love them is not enough,
I must act upon my words,

hence, I am trying my very best
to not be someone's else pain.

for making people happy,

I hope, my children would not experience my pain.
I hope, there will always good people besides them.
because I know, 
no matter how much I wanted to protect them,
there will be the day, I'll need to leave them.

p/s: Dear my future children, please know this, mummy has missed you, long before you are born.

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