Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Short Semester.

source: google
I am taking short semester for certain reason,
to settle proposals for upcoming event in Mimet,
to re-organize src thingy,
to look for new students intake,
to improving my so-bad-i-tak-sanggup-tengok cgpa. c(=

I actually apply for three subjects,
but they only approved to take one subjects,
itupun that subject wasn't on my request list.
so, there's no function asking what I want when
they already decide what they 'think' the best for me.

But it's okay.
I can still smile, brightly and widely.

Integrated Marine Pollution Control
Class: Monday and Wednesday only
Seems like I have the whole weeks for me yarr,
for eating and hibernating. Hahaa

That's why.
I looked for part time job and
this is a hide away secret from my parents.
I am a dead meat if my dad know this.

I know he won't allow me,
but I just want to experience it once.
I want to feel, how does it feel to earn money
with your own effort and capability.

so, I decide to work at Big Apple (outlet Aeon Manjung)

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