Thursday, August 20, 2015

The hardest to tame :p

Someone is asking me about my love life, 
You are so funny :p 

Okaylah, as I already touch that topic, 
I'll be sincere. 

I don't prefer to like anyone, 
because if they are not meant for me, 
so it will just waste my time having feeling for them, 
so there is no use whether I like you or not, 
because real love story only start after marriage. 

And for I'll go with the flow.
When the time comes, Allah will surely make it happen. 
I don't care whoever he is, 
I don't mind whatever he did, 

as long as he worship Allah, 
and able to guide me to the truth, 
can talk to me about everything like a friend, 
and brave enough to tell my parents, 
have a big heart and a lot of sabr - then I'll be okay. 

Because it was so vely vely hard to tame me. 
In case you don't believe, please ask my parents and my dear sister :p

Till here.

p/s: and regarding my previous post about I'll not having feeling towards my very own friend, I wish to take my words back, because destiny is something that I could not predict. And as I just say, I'll just go with the flow.