Friday, July 3, 2015

What happened to us?

It has been two months *roughly* 
since I last meet my friends. 
There are things that I regret not to do 
and there are some that I regret because I did. 

While sitting alone, 
I realize one thing. 
That I couldn't recall anyone 
who used to be my friends, 
because of what?

just because we are not as close as before 
and maybe will never come back to be close 
as before. 

Somehow I wonder, where all of this started. 
I wonder, what are we looking into a thing called 'friendship'
because I just get disappointed while looking at those friends
of mine. 
seeing how they define their friendship. 

I don't understand why, is it so easy for people 
to cut off ties with people. 
I don't understand why people cannot bear with his/her friends mistake's.