Thursday, September 18, 2014


I always been curious about something, someone and some places. 
I always want to know more about things I curious for. 
I always imagine, how great it is to be able to travel and try everything that I wanna know. 
Roller coaster, travels, bungee, etc
Mostly not an extreme activity. 

I have family which not everyone have it. 
I want to do but I can't because my parents said it was for my own good. 
They care for me so much and they have made decision for me so much. 

I never feel like they are trying to confined me or limiting my life access. 
I know they are just too worried and they care. 
You never know how grateful I am to have them as my parents. 

but I scared, one day I can't made my own decision. 
I scared that one day I am not able to face the world. 
I am scared that I can't stop depending on people. 

because today, if anything happen I know that my parents is always there for me to seek for help.
but what if one day, I am being far apart from them and what if that day is today?

am I able to survive?