Sunday, May 10, 2020
Unwavering Confidence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cerpen (cerita pendek); Kerana aku wanita
Thursday, April 2, 2020
"Are you pushing people away?" No. I am not
"you are not okay alone, you just get used to it" I don't deny it. Perhaps, there is some truth in her assumption, but no one knows what no one knows. Focus on self betterment, so whoever that someone will be, whenever that someone will come, you are already at your best to accept him/her wholeheartedly, without regret. To be really sure, to go through a hell-roller-coaster ride together with a stranger who you barely know for few months or years -- for your lifetime.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Covid-19: Sebuah Pengalaman
Friday, March 27, 2020
Network Marketing: How tainted the industry is?
"Are you pushing people away?" No. I am not
"you will end up being lonely if you keep pushing other people away. make some friend" they say. I didn't reply because it's fine if people don't understand my situation as long as I am very clear of my principle. I do not blame or resent anyone for this differences. I embrace and appreciate these kind of people with their effort to help other people by being a good friend.
"growing up is not the matter of likes or dislikes. you just do what you need to do"
"you are not okay alone, you just get used to it" I don't deny it. Perhaps, there is some truth in her assumption, but no one knows what no one knows. Focus on self betterment, so whoever that someone will be, whenever that someone will come, you are already at your best to accept him/her wholeheartedly, without regret. To be really sure, to go through a hell-roller-coaster ride together with a stranger who you barely know for few months or years -- for your lifetime.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Accepatance: How hard it is?
What I shop at my shop?
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Emotionless emotional
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Difficult me
Precious Time
Nutrilite & Network Marketing
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
A place where we star.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Monday, January 13, 2020
That Woman
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Little Mermaid
The Path to Love
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Takut apa orang kata.
Takut apa orang fikir.
Takut dengan segala imaginasi,
yang hanya bermain dalam kepala.
Lantaklah apa orang nak kata.
Lantaklah apa orang nak fikir.
Sakit perit kita bukan dia yang rasa.
At least,
Itu yang aku cuba rasionalkan.
Supaya hati terpujuk.
But no --
I do care.
Dan jujurnya masih fikir.
How unjust can world be to me.
How can the whole globe go against me?
But no --
Aku yang against dunia.
Bukan dunia yang against aku.
Bila aku terlalu melihat pada
apa yang aku tiada berbanding ada.
Bila aku terlalu mahu pada
apa yang aku tak perlu.
Maka mulalah.
Serabut dalam jiwa.
Yang lama2, makan diri sebenarnya.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Promosi Glister
Rejection is beautiful: yes darling!
Monday, August 12, 2019
Belajar untuk sabar.
When there is no response.
When there is no answer.
When you literally had no idea
of what is happening on the other side of the world.
Learn not to be upset.
Learn not to feel disappointed.
Learn not to discourage.
Learn not to --
At least that's what I wanna tell myself.
For that is how I want to feel comforted.
Because it was so hard here.
It was so hard to even breath.
It was so hard to wake up on another day,
and knowing that there is no such progress
that you are doing.
At least that is how I tried to persuade myself.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
We are human
moh le tengok muka happy den recovering from breakout |
Dulu aku gunakan medium seperti blogger dan facebook je. Aku ada instagram, twitter dan tumblr pun masa dah masuk college. Still actively writing about life or most of the time about random feelings after watching dramas and movies. But after a while, aku macam a little bit slow in writing. Sebab rasa macam, who's gonna listen? Even if aku try regularly update blog, tapi aku masih struggle to the point yang aku betul2 rasa kena perah my brain for an idea. Kalau tak, dulu idea flow macam air terjun je.
Vocab jangan cakaplah. Boleh rasa vocab tu tak berkembang sebab sekadar baca tapi tak guna. So tak lekat. That's why sekarang ni aku cuba mula semula. I am getting that part of my old self back. Yang jenis jujur dalam penulisannya. Dan aku mula berfikir, yang aku ni sebenarnya menulis untuk diri sendiri. Untuk setiap rasa yang tak mampu diluah dengan kata. Aku convert jadi perkataan. Moga dengan wording, aku tetap dapat rasa seperti aku menyampaikan ia.
And I was so fall in love dengan poems. Dulu selalu sangat hantar poems dekat NST. Untuk setiap poem, dia bagi RM20. Banyak juga aku hantar. Rajin. Poems aku biasa buat in english. BM pun ada juga. Tapi sejak slot school times dah tak ada. Aku dah tak hantarlah. Hmm.
semula. Doakan aku istiqamah ya. Sebab menulis ni is like terapi bagi aku. Dan moga nukilan ini mampu membantu aku, andai kata satu hari nanti, aku lupa tentang semua rasa yang pernah mendiami hati aku. Dan moga esok2, aku tengok kembali pada hari ini, takut2 aku lupa pada impian yang aku pernah aku tanam dan percaya. Sempena raya korban ini, aku ikhlaskan segalanya dan aku akan belajar untuk mensyukuri setiap sesuatu ❤
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
of many people I cross path to
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Monday, June 24, 2019
Sunday Class
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ