Friday, November 17, 2017

BMO Family

Every semester, 
bbq night is a must,
at least for my classmate.

People says our bond
is so strong and that we're very close to one another.
Obviously, we didn't advertise what had happened in our circle,
but at least we know what other people picture about us.
and it is good, being saw in 'togetherness spirit'

that's not the point, really.
the things is, I realise, how cliche it is, 
it was one of the thing that keep us together,
no matter how apart will we be in the future.

to organize and to make things happened, 
we need to be one,
have fun and feel the moment tho, 
I'm pretty satisfied,

but there is always, always..
things happened which spoiled the happy day,
and I don't really enjoy the night.
not because of the foods or the games, 
but maybe because of myself. 

things running wild in my head 
and what else can I do beside sitting down 
and think!

but for me, 
no matter how bad our mood are, 
be responsible with other people's feeling,
acknowledge those who were affected by our action, 
and for being such an ignorance one is being so selfish!

because this semester is my last,
that's why I'm being sulky,
because this semester is my last,
that's why I hate if someone ruin it.

and may the family 
stay together 
until the last.
I hope,
I pray.