Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Made In Mimet (MIM 2017)

December 5, 2017

Among all the pictures taken, 
I look brighter in this picture, 
hope to crop all three but taking 
account the imbalance, hence, I posted this one.

"I want your life" she said, 
looking me with that envious face 
and pout as she is having hard time now.

Dear sweetheart, 
I only shows you my good time 
and seal those scary thoughts, sleepless night, pale faces, 
medicines I'm taking, and aches all around.

as for received something,
you must let go something in return.

and me?
I am letting go of something precious.
my love.

"Eddie won bronze, I won silver, 'Irfan won gold & Aril? he won Ila's heart"