Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sea Kuala Lumpur 2017

To be part of history is a great feeling. 
This is a lifetime opportunity that I won't let go. 
To make it short, I apply for volunteer post for sea kuala lumpur 2017. 
The training were executed right after my final exam,
that was on 12 & 13 July at UKM, Bangi.

So, after the two days training, 
I got one t-shirt, yang we all pakai dalam first gambar tu, 
and also cert sebab those yang tak attend training will not qualified 
to be the volunteer. 

On 28th July, we check in hostel,
register for new semester, 
and attending classes yang macam ada tak ada, 
sebab still miggu drop and add subject lagi, 
and on 12th August we depart to UniKL MFI.
Our post adalah untuk archery.

We have more than eighty volunteers for archery, 
and below adalah team 'jaga tong air' and this is not all. 
satu tong oren yang letak ais tu, empat orang jaga - kau rasa? 
Hahah, yeah, it is funny and seem like tak ada kerja sangat kan, 
but as a volunteer, we need to look around and help 
anyone in need. 

so sepanjang jadi volunteer, 
macam macam juga aku dah buat. 
From standing still beside the tong, 
angkut botol air besar 5l, dari store ke khemah, 
tolong budak2 field crew tukar target, 
cabut paku, 
etc etc. 

 and the best experience adalah sebab get to know the athletes. 
they are so nice and humble. 
they even offer me to come closer and look at the target 
from their so mahal teropong. 
we cheer really hard to support them and I witness their struggle. 
so, those yang cakap "alah tak menang" "alah, itu pun tak reti",
now you go and try to shoot from 50m far. 

The most humble and cute one!
Fatin Fateha

With the manager and abang sado. huhu. 
This one in for compound team.
Tak sempat nak tangkap dengan recurve team, 
sebab recurve cepat sangat. 
in a blink of eyes, dah habis dah. 

 actually a lot more happened during nine days in Sukan Sea, 
a lot story to tell and I am glad if anyone would want to hear that. 

Until the next post.