Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Journey for Chicken Butter

It happened on the day we arrived at MFI, 
I saw kingafiq tweeted about this one stall and he recommended it. 
So I scrolled down looking for a bit for information 
and asking my friends to have our dinner there.

so, around 6pm we walked around looking for this stall, 
ofc we jalan kaki as the tweet mention "sebelah unikl bangi",
but we go around sampai sesat. 
so here the screenshot-ed story. 

however tak jumpa pun, 
so we pasrah and makan je
dekat kedai berhampiran 
and quite disappointed sebab tiba2
rasa makan azra (kedai sebelah mimet) lagi sedap dan berbaloi.
but, alhamdulillah, Allah bagi rezeki, dapat makan. 

On 19 August, I didn't joined for opening ceremony, 
sebab I was on my pms and I am not fit enough to stay late at night, 
so I decide to take the morning shift which ended at 12pm. 
After that, I asked Dev and the rest to go look for chicken butter 
and once again, we failed! haha!!
This time sampai terlajak keluar tol semula. That was funnneyhh.

So ending all the hope, I have stopped looking for the chicken butter 
and make puyuh butter instead. 

hhhaha, ok, ignore the pickup line. 
eh, it wasn't pick up line pun at the first place. 
It is just a general question. 
answer it if you want to.
ignore it if you do not want to. 

So, finally I ended my own craving 
by cooking it by myself. 
No wonder my mom always ask me to belajar masak, 
so we can eat anything that we want, anytime.

love mama <3