Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wacana Pemikiran Universiti Kuala Lumpur

Politik itu bagi aku kotor, jadi aku tidak mahu tahu tentang hal-hal yang kotor. Aku penat menyaksi pemimpin2 yang disanjung menunding jari antara satu sama lain. Puas aku berfikir, tak bolehkah mereka memerintah bersama, tanpa ada parti. Wujud satu organisasi, dimana mereka semua menyokong satu perdana menteri. Maksudku menyokong disini adalah mendukung dan berpayung dibawah satu pemerintahan seorang ketua. Meski mereka tak perlu sering bersetuju dalam setiap perkara. Namun itu terlalu ambitious, sebab aku lupa, yang nak jadi ketua bukan satu dua. Masing2 tamak haloba berebut kuasa - dan itu aku tak suka. Dan aku rasa itu yang buat anak-anak muda rasa letih dengan politik. 

Bayangkan saja, menteri2 pun tak aku kenal. Datuk Jamal yang bertuala depan suk tu pun aku tak pernah tahu siapa sampailah di Program Wacana Pemikiran Universiti Kuala Lumpur. Aku paling tak mahu pergi program yang berunsurkan politik ni. Sebab aku rasa, kami ini para mahasiswa dicari bila perlu, diguna bila mahu. Nanti bila habis PRU, kami ini ditinggal sepi, macam terikat tapi tak bertali (cewah) 

Banyak menteri2 yang dipanggil - aku tak kenal siapa, tapi melalui program ini aku tahu siapa mereka. Yes, the program is 100% politik. Terpulang bagaimana you take it. Bagi aku, this program dah membangunkan aku. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Wacana Pemikiran Nadi Rakyat

September 11. 2017

sorry for the cropped potatoes

"Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not" 1:216

Politic may be suck,
but that is now our responsibility to make it right.
how? by using our power.
how? through voting.
how? register!

and bear in mind,
being in two opposite side doesn't make us enemy,
it doesn't define wrong or right, 
because everyone had their right to stand out for their opinions,
however, be modest in everything.

it is okay if you don't like it,
but it was not okay if you swear and curse at it,
use proper language,
watch your tongue,
afterall we are all human beings. be kind. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

To the clueless person ever,

How can we stay as friend when what I feel will do a mess? I like you. 
When I am happy or sad, you are among the earliest people I want to talk to, but I am afraid if I do that, this feeling would show and you will know. I afraid that if you know about it, you would start to keep your distance because a girl like me is a type - no one will like.

Hence, whatever I did in the public, you will always be the last. When I mentioned my friends' name, you will always be the last. For I want to show the world that I am not thinking about you so I can still having you stay by my side. I know I am stupid. What's so wrong if I just confess? It's not like I am going to keep meeting you in the future right? yeah, but I afraid -- or maybe, I am just a coward. 

Maybe, I will regret it later for not taking the chance. Maybe, I am regretting it now for just looking at the opportunities that passed, but maybe, this is the best for me and all of us, for I believe if we wait long enough, someone will still coming. And what if, I have no time to wait for that long? isn't four years long enough? 

and yeah -- I believe, if you really not meant to be with me, this feeling for you will fade and now, I am waiting for that moment to come and I hope I can feel its coming. 

Closing Ceremony SeaKL2017

I was excited, of course. This is my first time to experience such thing. Sharing the moments with more than 80,000 people in the stadium. Everytime we sang a song, it gives me goosebumps. The crowd, the spirit and the energy from everyone is encouraging each other to shout better and sing louder. At that very historical moment, I don't really care about my sumbang voice, lari pitching ke apa, because we sing our heart out. Lagipun no one is going to recognize me, huhu. 

The lighting was superb. We play 'human wave' and I was excited joining them. Having a very energetic family who were sitting in front of my line. The camera always on them everytime they cheering. The first two hours were great. But as time passed, I am waiting for more formation or gimmick that will show the togetherness of ten countries in SukanSea. But I was disappointed because that night, all that we do, is actually focusing on celebrating our independence day, which I think has make the original plan a mess. 

It is not wrong to celebrate the ambang merdeka together with other countries, we can share the joy but the only thing yang we all did during the closing ceremony is terlalu membangga banggakan our 145 gold. The vt tho, it only showing out athletes. I am hoping to see some videos of other athletes from other countries too. Maybe something like, what they portraying Malaysia in their head during the sukan sea?

But I must not forget to give an appraisal for those videos that make me cry for it really touch my hearts. Thank you for appreciating us, duta kecil Malaysia, your WAUFACTOR. After all, this is a lifetime opportunities. The next time Malaysia will be the host for Sukan Sea is in twenty years time, maybe I can go with my kids, hhaha. (not laughing at all). All in all, I was happy to be given a chance and I hope there will be more young people to serve our country sebab sedar atau tidak, it did increase our level of sayangkan negara. 

Yes, maybe ramai yang tak berbangga jadi Malaysia as for what our country is going through at the moment, but one thing for sure - if not us yang sayangkan negara kita, who else will? kalau bukan kita yang pertahankan negara kita, who else will? the political games might be suck for us, but it is our responsibility to change our country, so now, lets take the responsibility by being a good human being for the society.

Thank you, assalammualaikum,

Oh, lupa nak cakap. 
actually plan awal nak ke bukit jalil naik bas dari melaka ke tbs, then ambil lrt terus ke stadium but there is change in plan, so I drive to Stadium and arrived home after the closing ceremony at 4.30am. Memang gagahkan mata juga untuk sampai ke rumah. Betullah orang kata, kalau dah selalu drive jauh, satu jam setengah perjalanan dah tak rasa apa. Tapi esoknya tu memang barai habis lah. Hhaha

Journey for Chicken Butter

It happened on the day we arrived at MFI, 
I saw kingafiq tweeted about this one stall and he recommended it. 
So I scrolled down looking for a bit for information 
and asking my friends to have our dinner there.

so, around 6pm we walked around looking for this stall, 
ofc we jalan kaki as the tweet mention "sebelah unikl bangi",
but we go around sampai sesat. 
so here the screenshot-ed story. 

however tak jumpa pun, 
so we pasrah and makan je
dekat kedai berhampiran 
and quite disappointed sebab tiba2
rasa makan azra (kedai sebelah mimet) lagi sedap dan berbaloi.
but, alhamdulillah, Allah bagi rezeki, dapat makan. 

On 19 August, I didn't joined for opening ceremony, 
sebab I was on my pms and I am not fit enough to stay late at night, 
so I decide to take the morning shift which ended at 12pm. 
After that, I asked Dev and the rest to go look for chicken butter 
and once again, we failed! haha!!
This time sampai terlajak keluar tol semula. That was funnneyhh.

So ending all the hope, I have stopped looking for the chicken butter 
and make puyuh butter instead. 

hhhaha, ok, ignore the pickup line. 
eh, it wasn't pick up line pun at the first place. 
It is just a general question. 
answer it if you want to.
ignore it if you do not want to. 

So, finally I ended my own craving 
by cooking it by myself. 
No wonder my mom always ask me to belajar masak, 
so we can eat anything that we want, anytime.

love mama <3

Sea Kuala Lumpur 2017

To be part of history is a great feeling. 
This is a lifetime opportunity that I won't let go. 
To make it short, I apply for volunteer post for sea kuala lumpur 2017. 
The training were executed right after my final exam,
that was on 12 & 13 July at UKM, Bangi.

So, after the two days training, 
I got one t-shirt, yang we all pakai dalam first gambar tu, 
and also cert sebab those yang tak attend training will not qualified 
to be the volunteer. 

On 28th July, we check in hostel,
register for new semester, 
and attending classes yang macam ada tak ada, 
sebab still miggu drop and add subject lagi, 
and on 12th August we depart to UniKL MFI.
Our post adalah untuk archery.

We have more than eighty volunteers for archery, 
and below adalah team 'jaga tong air' and this is not all. 
satu tong oren yang letak ais tu, empat orang jaga - kau rasa? 
Hahah, yeah, it is funny and seem like tak ada kerja sangat kan, 
but as a volunteer, we need to look around and help 
anyone in need. 

so sepanjang jadi volunteer, 
macam macam juga aku dah buat. 
From standing still beside the tong, 
angkut botol air besar 5l, dari store ke khemah, 
tolong budak2 field crew tukar target, 
cabut paku, 
etc etc. 

 and the best experience adalah sebab get to know the athletes. 
they are so nice and humble. 
they even offer me to come closer and look at the target 
from their so mahal teropong. 
we cheer really hard to support them and I witness their struggle. 
so, those yang cakap "alah tak menang" "alah, itu pun tak reti",
now you go and try to shoot from 50m far. 

The most humble and cute one!
Fatin Fateha

With the manager and abang sado. huhu. 
This one in for compound team.
Tak sempat nak tangkap dengan recurve team, 
sebab recurve cepat sangat. 
in a blink of eyes, dah habis dah. 

 actually a lot more happened during nine days in Sukan Sea, 
a lot story to tell and I am glad if anyone would want to hear that. 

Until the next post.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

School 2012

Friendship is very mysterious, 
it full of surprises.
and along the way of you growing up,
there are so much more to learn,
learn from your very own mistakes and also friend's.

you know what makes life beautiful?
it wasn't the beginning or the ending
but the content between it.
and how did you content yourself?
who you content your life with?

friendship is beautiful, you know why?
no. not because of the flowery path, the jokes and the laugh,
but because of the fall and the raise,
for the pain and the bless, 
the flower once tilt, has now blooming again.

and for every relationship that you're in 
which you do for the sake of Allah,
Allah will bless you with countless awards,
in various ways you wouldn't ever imagine.

you won't need that 24 hours to be called friend,
your name in someone's prayer is.

someone's e-day

I wonder what makes a relationship last forever. 
I wonder how a man and a woman can agreed to share their life together. 
I couldn't get it how one can sacrifices so much for the other. 
I mean, I know it was because of love, 
but how love can always turn a wise man into a fool?

No. I am not denying love.
I just curious how we could lost our sense when we are in love.
is it love after all?

I don't know how one heart could bear so much pain for the dearly 'someone',
how people could turn a blind eye for the sake of love, 
and how one could easily forgive a mistakes for their loved one, 
knowing the mistakes will soon be repeated.

but maybe. just maybe.
love is the answer to everything.
because love is love.
it has no exact definition that could describe it as a whole.
but sometimes, for the sake of love, some people become cruel.

"Happy e day. Wishing you guys the best in your relationship and may Allah bless your journey to your upcoming wedding on August 2018. Stay loyal and faithful to each other, gonna ship you guys from a far"