Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Takut apa orang kata.
Takut apa orang fikir.
Takut dengan segala imaginasi,
yang hanya bermain dalam kepala.
Lantaklah apa orang nak kata.
Lantaklah apa orang nak fikir.
Sakit perit kita bukan dia yang rasa.
At least,
Itu yang aku cuba rasionalkan.
Supaya hati terpujuk.
But no --
I do care.
Dan jujurnya masih fikir.
How unjust can world be to me.
How can the whole globe go against me?
But no --
Aku yang against dunia.
Bukan dunia yang against aku.
Bila aku terlalu melihat pada
apa yang aku tiada berbanding ada.
Bila aku terlalu mahu pada
apa yang aku tak perlu.
Maka mulalah.
Serabut dalam jiwa.
Yang lama2, makan diri sebenarnya.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Promosi Glister

Rejection is beautiful: yes darling!
Monday, August 12, 2019
Belajar untuk sabar.
When there is no response.
When there is no answer.
When you literally had no idea
of what is happening on the other side of the world.
Learn not to be upset.
Learn not to feel disappointed.
Learn not to discourage.
Learn not to --
At least that's what I wanna tell myself.
For that is how I want to feel comforted.
Because it was so hard here.
It was so hard to even breath.
It was so hard to wake up on another day,
and knowing that there is no such progress
that you are doing.
At least that is how I tried to persuade myself.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
We are human
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moh le tengok muka happy den recovering from breakout |
Dulu aku gunakan medium seperti blogger dan facebook je. Aku ada instagram, twitter dan tumblr pun masa dah masuk college. Still actively writing about life or most of the time about random feelings after watching dramas and movies. But after a while, aku macam a little bit slow in writing. Sebab rasa macam, who's gonna listen? Even if aku try regularly update blog, tapi aku masih struggle to the point yang aku betul2 rasa kena perah my brain for an idea. Kalau tak, dulu idea flow macam air terjun je.
Vocab jangan cakaplah. Boleh rasa vocab tu tak berkembang sebab sekadar baca tapi tak guna. So tak lekat. That's why sekarang ni aku cuba mula semula. I am getting that part of my old self back. Yang jenis jujur dalam penulisannya. Dan aku mula berfikir, yang aku ni sebenarnya menulis untuk diri sendiri. Untuk setiap rasa yang tak mampu diluah dengan kata. Aku convert jadi perkataan. Moga dengan wording, aku tetap dapat rasa seperti aku menyampaikan ia.
And I was so fall in love dengan poems. Dulu selalu sangat hantar poems dekat NST. Untuk setiap poem, dia bagi RM20. Banyak juga aku hantar. Rajin. Poems aku biasa buat in english. BM pun ada juga. Tapi sejak slot school times dah tak ada. Aku dah tak hantarlah. Hmm.
semula. Doakan aku istiqamah ya. Sebab menulis ni is like terapi bagi aku. Dan moga nukilan ini mampu membantu aku, andai kata satu hari nanti, aku lupa tentang semua rasa yang pernah mendiami hati aku. Dan moga esok2, aku tengok kembali pada hari ini, takut2 aku lupa pada impian yang aku pernah aku tanam dan percaya. Sempena raya korban ini, aku ikhlaskan segalanya dan aku akan belajar untuk mensyukuri setiap sesuatu ❤
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
of many people I cross path to
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Monday, June 24, 2019
Sunday Class
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Resetting life goals.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Good deeds never dies
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Of lies we tell
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Of falling in love and awakening
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Is it easy to find a soulmate?
Guysss!! Before I start, let me share a sad story with you. I have write the whole page of this entry and I accidentally deleted it all, and now, I could not even retrieve the entry I have written. Now I need to write it again T.T
Done #curahan
So let's write it again okay.
Soulmate. How do you recognize a soulmate? If you ask me that, I won't be able to recognize one. Not yet. But if you ask me how can I turn down men without giving them chances, my answer will be "I study myself. I embrace my weakness and cherish my strength. The more I got to know myself, the more I know, how kind of person my partner will be" and this idea of mine has always encourage me to work on self betterment for the sake of brighter future I may share with this man whose existence is not yet known in the world.
Call me old school, because I am so traditional like this 🌹
(My friends call me old soul for reason)
A soulmate, is someone I would like to make a family. I always believe, a marriage is not only a unite of two hearts but two family. I would love to care for his parents just like I care mine. And I wanted him to accept mine as his half too. I want to be a partner who provide support and I need partner who willing to do the same. Who willing to lend his wings, so I could fly high. Who hands are so warm that I won't forget my ground, and the most important thing, the one who always believe in me and want to grow together with me.
A soulmate, is someone who won't find us shameful when people thought of us as a weirdo. The one who accept the unique side of our darker world and willing to share his. A man who not correct me to follow his way, but a man who makes me feels like his way is the right one that I will follow wholeheartedly.
"You are too picky", "You don't deserve to be choosy, just accept anyone's who comes in your way" people told me these sort of things. I may be way too ugly, fat , dark and weird (even family couldn't handle my blunt, my laugh) I am so annoying -- for them, and they say, and I know it, but I love it. Haha. But a narcissist like me, I will claim that I am on the other level, that not many man could achieve. I am too rare, exotic kind. (Let me guys...let me haha)
Hello! Don't fat women deserve to be choosy? Everyone have right to choose who they wanted to spend their lifetime with. Because we are not talking about three years commitment. We are talking about possibility of 30 years and more of living together with the same person you will wake up next to, every single morning!! And ask yourself, again and again, are you willing to see me in my worst condition physical appearance and emotional state?
I am 24 years old this year, and I never been in any relationship. I have waited this long, and I wouldn't mind to wait a little bit longer. "You won't find one like that". Allah has promised. That He makes us in pair and He will grant us our prayer, if we ask. And I decide to have faith and believe in that.
I want a man who certain. Who not sway of others' opinion, who not waver on others' decision. Why? Because he's going to be a leader. And I do not want to be an assistant of someone who do not know what he's doing with his life. And most importantly, it is crucial to have a man who approach us with intention to marry us, and if we are really not destined to be together, only then we could say "that you came in my life either as a bless or a lesson". If you keep changing your partner in three/six months, these phrase won't really fit. No, it cannot fit.
I don't think meeting and breaking up will teach us what mistakes we did in relationship. Rather, the way we learn about ourselves and our acceptance to our partner. Our respect for each other's opinion and decision.
Oh no. Sorry for being a nagger on this topic, but I just have a lot to say about this. Because some people are worried already that I had no special friends at the moment. Today, my sister received a gift from his future husband and my brother suddenly ask me if I wanted to have anything. He wanted to give me a present too 🤣 he's being so cute. He is so thoughtful. But I make it clear that I am okay and I am not in rush.
Happiness will eventually come in our way. Plus, happiness is not only about two man fall in love, it is more and greater than that. Just like how my love for my parents grow every single day. Just how I feels it is hard to part ways with my family. Just like I am worried that my siblings will get their heart broken, etc. There are so much more beyond our typical love story. So people, open your eyes. Bless from God is everywhere -- either we choose to see it, or turn a blind eyes.
Till here, assalammualaikum.
p/s: Ok, I may never be in relationship, but I do have crush on these two person. I may share it later 🌹
Of wrong path taken
Assalammualaikum earthlings...
I used to feels irritated whenever I took wrong turn listening to waze instructions. That's why my doubts to waze/maps increase. However, as I am learning about life, I realise something. Something that really wake me up and something that really make me ponder why do I, always focusing too much on something that's so little which not worth my energy getting angry at.
I used to get angry when I am taking a wrong turn, because it will obviously taking more time, money and energy. Never did I realise, that I can only just follow the other way when they reroute, and as easy as that, I will be guided back to origin path. Nevertheless, I will still arrived at my destinations. And when I am thinking it back, it is not that I am taking a wrong direction, I am just taking a different one.
Same goes to our life. There is really nothing solid when it comes on making decision. Sometimes, we accidentally choosing the wrong path. However, the best thing about that is, we could always come back on the right path. We will be guided and Allah will guide us, if we seek for him.
Same goes to people who always comparing their life with others'. Very often, we forget that there is a lot of ways to a destination, and everyone choose differently, however it never means that those who choose different than us is wrong. Because we too, choose differently from others. Norm is something unusual in my dictionary. Because I always live up to believe that every single one of us shall live at their fullest, even though it means being called a weirdo.
Now, when maps reroute, I follow and learn the road. So I wouldn't make mistakes the second time I take that road again. I embrace the journey. And that's how I feels more peaceful inside and able to see how beautiful is all that's meant to be happening.
I know walking alone is hard
But it is harder to walk with people who wanted to go different direction.
Learn to let things flow and as it was meant to be happen.
Of me and you
I am tired of seeking for your approval.
I am tired of living to meet your expectation.
And true to be told, this is not how I want to live.
You cannot dim my light, just because I choose not to shine, the way you does.
I love to see how you grow beautifully.
I am glad that all good things coming in your way.
I am grateful that you are all of want you want to be.
And I sincerely pray that you will eventually achieve all the dreams in your bucket list.
And I would want that for me too -- way differently.
Because I wasn't born as ethical as you
And I wasn't born as graceful as you
If you wanted a simple comparison
You are a typical noble while I am a free spirit rebel noble.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
We are not too small for a big dream
Do anyone ever belittle you for having a dream they thought too good to be true? But guess what, I believe each and everyone of us, is seeking goodness instead of hatred, but we do not have faith that it is possible?
But if we believe that we could achieve that, then why not, we try. Because no one, is too small for a big dream. Do not let other painters, paint your canvas 🌹
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Hati "tissue" is who?
I do not want to talk about that, but lets talk about that
Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Hi ladies & gentlemen. Very often we labelled those who easily cried over small things as "hati tissue", hati tak sado. Overly sensitive. Vulnerable. You name it. Those who shows, they will express through face expression, mouth pouting, or even crying. But my concern today goes to those who actually sad, torn and scarred but never shows. The one who keep it hidden. The one who try to keep it as a secret even to their own knowledge. How is it even possible, right? Do you ever think about that?
Growing up, I have heard a lot about second child symptom. They are literally more rogue than the first child. Stronger in term of energy and physical power. Hard headed, rebellious & funny. Second child can crack jokes anywhere, anytime. People feel so comfortable to hang around them, but not many can stand their hot headed. They are short tempered, so literally, they appeared stronger than the first born.
But I always believe, being strong is not determine by the least you cry. In fact, those who cried most, is actually the strongest. To cry, it needs bravery. To cry, it actually means that you have tried.
But the thing is, everyone cry. You always see people around you smiling, laughing and even live like they had no problems but as you do, all people crying too. So, do you ever ponder, when they cry? Where they cry? I think people who cry so much but wouldn't able to show it to other people is the one who suffered most. Because people didn't see and they didn't have anyone. They had themselves and Allah alone.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
And I believe that everytime we play a game, we will become so eager to finish the game. No matter how many times we failed, we will try it again and again, until one day, we finally win, how joyful it taste. The winning taste better when we it is hard earn right? Same goes to our life. The harder it gets, the better we get.