Saturday, February 16, 2019

Hati "tissue" is who?

I do not want to talk about that, but lets talk about that

Assalammualaikum w.b.t

Hi ladies & gentlemen. Very often we labelled those who easily cried over small things as "hati tissue", hati tak sado. Overly sensitive. Vulnerable. You name it. Those who shows, they will express through face expression, mouth pouting, or even crying. But my concern today goes to those who actually sad, torn and scarred but never shows. The one who keep it hidden. The one who try to keep it as a secret even to their own knowledge. How is it even possible, right? Do you ever think about that?

Growing up, I have heard a lot about second child symptom. They are literally more rogue than the first child. Stronger in term of energy and physical power. Hard headed, rebellious & funny. Second child can crack jokes anywhere, anytime. People feel so comfortable to hang around them, but not many can stand their hot headed. They are short tempered, so literally, they appeared stronger than the first born.

But I always believe, being strong is not determine by the least you cry. In fact, those who cried most, is actually the strongest. To cry, it needs bravery. To cry, it actually means that you have tried.

But the thing is, everyone cry. You always see people around you smiling, laughing and even live like they had no problems but as you do, all people crying too. So, do you ever ponder, when they cry? Where they cry? I think people who cry so much but wouldn't able to show it to other people is the one who suffered most. Because people didn't see and they didn't have anyone. They had themselves and Allah alone.

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