Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Do you ever feel angry when you see people are easily getting what you have wanted so badly, while you are working like hell, perfecting yourself, just to get it? You feel like the world is against you and you are fighting a battle you cannot win. You feel restless, unhappy. 

But you should know one thing. Our body is the form of energy, and in fact everything in this universe were made up in the form of energy. We use an energy to attract energy. Hence, we are actually attracting the universe towards us. If you think you are happy, the whole universe will work on to make you happy -- genuinely. If you think, you don't happy -- the whole universe will work on to make you unhappy, because that's where you exert your energy most. 

 there is something in you that I want, 
you simply get it but I have too little that I feel it does not enough.

If you don't mind,
can you share it with me?

a fingers note

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