Thursday, December 27, 2012


I have make a decision, 
A really big decision, 
It is hard for me to make it but I believe this is the best!!
I want to be a Doctor. 
A doctor who will work in a specialist hospitals
A doctor who will open her own clinic with her husband at 35
A doctor who will try to save people as much as she can 
A doctor who will take a risk treating mental patient
A doctor who will run her own bussiness and have her own house on the hill. 
My dream may seem too much but I just cannot stand
letting it be just a daydreaming, I'm sicked of that!!

If I get a good result and get an offer to make foundation in science, 
I will just proceed my ambition through that way, 
but if my result is not good enough. 
It will bring me to a liitle longer journey,
but still to the way that bring me to my ambition. 
I will enter matrix and scoring 4.0 flat and trying hard to get high mark in each quiz,
when I get 4.0 flat, I will aiming for the scholarship, 
and if Allah will with bless from mama and ayah, 
soon I will be a doctor and married with a doctor too . 
Because that is your dream and that is my dream. 

a little words..

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