Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cool Teenagers

This article I adopt from NST[school times

Want To Be A Cool Teenager? 


#1 Smile. People who smile are generally happier , healthier and have more friends 

#2 Think of your good qualities. Believe in yourself so that when you go out there, people will admire your confidence and like who you are. 

#3 Look Good. Care about your appearance and about your clothes. They don't have to be expensive, they just have to look nice. 

#4 Compliment people you meet (if you see anything you like). Meet lots of new people and be friendly with them.

#5 Pay attention in class, study and complete homework. School is important , no matter what other people say

#6 Be yourself all the time because pretending or imitating someone else is not good and not comfortable. See your awesome qualities, improve your bad ones and be proud of WHO you are.

#7 Don't stick to one person all the time. You can have close friends and even bestfriend but if you stick to one friend at all times , you will never meet anyone new.

#8 Be ready to have fun. If anyone suggest something to do, as long as it's not against the law, is healthy and doesn't go against your principles, don't turn it down. Be known to be someone who will support anything fun.

#9 Make friends with energetic, fun loving people. This will ensure that you have lots of fun all the time. But this does not mean that you should ignore quieter people or not be their friend, try to make friends with everyone.

#10 Look friendly and approachable. Laugh, play and act silly. This shows people that you're confident and fund. People will want to get to know you.

#11 Make sure you are in on all things cool. Learn the new popular dance, popular music, and get to know popular people. But keep your own style and personalities.

#12 Say what you want . Even  if its uncool. You need to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. However, do not say hurtful things to other people.

#13 Laugh at jokes that are funny, but you don't have to laugh at jokes that aren't funny.

#14 Be smart and act smart. Make the best choices possible and work intelligently.

#15 Don't get into fights with people. Fighting just makes more enemies and that is not what you want

#16 Avoid getting bullied. Stay away from the rough kids, hang with the right crowd

#17 Keep your language clean. A lot of people don't like hearing swear words.

#18 Have a healthy sense of humour. The funnier you are, the cooler you become

p/s box : I'm not agree with all the statement. There are some statement that I think thats not cool like number 9
I already have number which highlighted white . Let see how cool I am?