Sunday, March 25, 2012

Without Words

Should have ignored what I felt
What I felt deep in my heart 
Cause now I don't even know 
How to start letting you go 

It hurts so bad I cannot explain
I should have just ran away 
Beside you I cannot just stay 
Cause I know that we won't be 
more than friends its clear to see 

Cause in you heart is where she will be 
Without words you have shown me that love is 
Without words your name is what my heart scream
It breaks me just to know that you really love her 
so I will try my best that it won't show 
Without words you have made me so much pain
Without words feels like I have drowned in the rain
and I was such a fool to believe 
there was really you and me 

Without saying a words 
I will pretend that I don't hear to my heart
whenever you are near and though it doesn't subside
Whenever our worlds collide 
I know.... 

Someday I will learn to let you go 
Without a word I really don't know why 
to you I had never learn to say goodbye 
Cause now I don't even know 
How to start letting you go
It hurts so bad I cannot explain 

Ya Rabb Help Me In Protect Myself 



Today goes like usual just it contain a rare experience. 
Firstly, for the experience. Thanks Allah cause save me and give me a long live. 
I cannot tell people what the feeling look like but I can say that I'm scared.

Let's protect ourselves

My Eternal Dream

Eternal Dream

You believe in my dream and you know that's my dream

chubby doodles :D

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cool Teenagers

This article I adopt from NST[school times

Want To Be A Cool Teenager? 


#1 Smile. People who smile are generally happier , healthier and have more friends 

#2 Think of your good qualities. Believe in yourself so that when you go out there, people will admire your confidence and like who you are. 

#3 Look Good. Care about your appearance and about your clothes. They don't have to be expensive, they just have to look nice. 

#4 Compliment people you meet (if you see anything you like). Meet lots of new people and be friendly with them.

#5 Pay attention in class, study and complete homework. School is important , no matter what other people say

#6 Be yourself all the time because pretending or imitating someone else is not good and not comfortable. See your awesome qualities, improve your bad ones and be proud of WHO you are.

#7 Don't stick to one person all the time. You can have close friends and even bestfriend but if you stick to one friend at all times , you will never meet anyone new.

#8 Be ready to have fun. If anyone suggest something to do, as long as it's not against the law, is healthy and doesn't go against your principles, don't turn it down. Be known to be someone who will support anything fun.

#9 Make friends with energetic, fun loving people. This will ensure that you have lots of fun all the time. But this does not mean that you should ignore quieter people or not be their friend, try to make friends with everyone.

#10 Look friendly and approachable. Laugh, play and act silly. This shows people that you're confident and fund. People will want to get to know you.

#11 Make sure you are in on all things cool. Learn the new popular dance, popular music, and get to know popular people. But keep your own style and personalities.

#12 Say what you want . Even  if its uncool. You need to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. However, do not say hurtful things to other people.

#13 Laugh at jokes that are funny, but you don't have to laugh at jokes that aren't funny.

#14 Be smart and act smart. Make the best choices possible and work intelligently.

#15 Don't get into fights with people. Fighting just makes more enemies and that is not what you want

#16 Avoid getting bullied. Stay away from the rough kids, hang with the right crowd

#17 Keep your language clean. A lot of people don't like hearing swear words.

#18 Have a healthy sense of humour. The funnier you are, the cooler you become

p/s box : I'm not agree with all the statement. There are some statement that I think thats not cool like number 9
I already have number which highlighted white . Let see how cool I am?  


Bila jiwa kacau risau tentang masa depan,
Bila hati sesak dengan karenah manusia yang tidak memahami,
Bila jiwa sukar berlapang dada 
Bila hati disempitkan dengan sangkaan buruk terhadap saudara lain,
Bila hati sentiasa ingin marah,

Bila hati mula berjinak dengan nafsu yang Allah tidak redha. 

Bila akal lupa tujuan asal hidup 
Bila diri terasa enak berlingkar dengan maksiat,

Bila hati puas melakukan perbuatan yang tidak berbuah amal,

Bila jasad duduk enak tanpa membuat makruf. 

Bila air mata terlalu sukar untuk dititiskan untuk NYA
Bila hati mula mengeras,
Bila fikiran melayang untuk perkara yang sia sia,
Bila hati mula berputus asa terhadap rahmat dan nikmat-NYA. 

Bila diri mula meminta yang berlebihan,
Bila hati mula meminta yang bukan hak,
Bila diri rasa sudah cukup,
Bila lidah terlalu keras untuk mengalunkan zikir.

Bila cemburu terhadap nikmat & rezeki insan lain,
Bila diri berpura baik terhadap manusia,
Bila hati merasa perbuatan doasa sebagai tidak apa,
Bila diri sentiasa mahu dipuji.

Bila hati tidak yakin dengan janji NYA,
Bila diri menyesal dengan setiap taqdir NYA,
Bila hati sentiasa mencari aib & salah orang lain,
Bila diri sentiasa ingin memuaskan selain dari Allah.

Bila hati merasa bebas dari jagaan Allah,
Bila merasa diri milik mutlaq diri sendiri,
Bila hati merasa aman melanggar amanah,
Bila merasakan tiada yang lebih penting melainkan diri sendiri.

Bila diri terlalu banyak beralasankan,
Bila setiap perbuatan tidak terniat untuk Allah,
Bila diri mula berasa berat untuk sembah & sujud kepadaNYA,
Bila telinga lebih enak dilagukan dengan selain ayat ayat suciNYA.

Bila mulut lebih senang berbicara tentang dunia dari manisnya syurga,
Bila redha manusia lebih dicari darupada redha Allah,

Bila merasa cinta manusia lebih asyik daripada cinta Allah,
Bila hati tidak rindu untuk bertemuNYA,

Bila hati mula disempitkan dengan dunia,
Bila diri sombong tidak mahu meminta kepadaNYA,
Bila setiap akal, jiwa , & jasad terikat dengan dunia.

Hati itu bukan hati aku lagi.... I beg to you Ya Rabb. Please Heal My Heart 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Doa buat sahabatku,


Bersyukurlah sahabatku kerana kau diantara suara 
hamba hamba yang dirindui Allah.
Tak semua insan merasai apa yang kau sedang rasai.
Kau hamba Yang Terpilih

Dicintai oleh Yang Maha Kaya, Yang Maha Agung & Yang Maha Mengetahui
segala apa yang kau tidak ketahui

Andai Masanya Belum Tiba

Ya Allah Ya Illahi,
Andai masanya belum tiba,
Jangan izinkan aku untuk jatuh cinta,
Aku memohon agar Kau tunjukkan jalan,
Agar Kau tunjukkan aku tuntutan yang perlu aku lakukan,
Jauhkanlah aku daripada kemaksiatan,
Jauhkanlah aku daripada perkara yang tidak dapat memberi manfaat,
Dan jauhkan aku daripada perkara yang Engkau murkai,
Agar aku dapat menjaga diri.

Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahiim,
Jika aku jatuh cinta,
Izinkan aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMU,
Jadikanlah aku yang mencintainya kerana agama & akhlak yang ada padanya,
Jika dia hilangkan agama yang ada dalam dirinya,
Maka hilanglah cintaku padanya,
Sesungguhnya, cinta yang suci itu tidak buta.

Ya Allah Ya Mujiib,
Dan jika dia mencintai aku,
Biarkanlah dia mencintai aku kerana agama itu juga,
Asalkan dia tidak lebihkan cinta kepadaku melebihi cinta kepada-MU,
Supaya cinta itu bersemi di lembayung keredhaan-MU,
Kerana dari situ lahirlah rahmah & mawaddah dalam rumahtangga. 

Ya Allah Ya Hakiim,
Jika ini bukan masanya,
Jika ini bukan saatnya,
Dan jika Kau tahu kami belum bersedia,
Selamatkan kami,
Jarakkan kami,
Pisahkan kami,
Agar kami jauh dari khilaf yang merosak izzah dan iffah,
Agar kami tidak mengundang murka-MU,
Agar kami dapat lebih menjaga hati,
Agar hati menjadi yang diredhai Illahi.

Ya Allah Ya Aliim
Andai aku bukan tercipta untuknya,
Andai dia bukan untukkku,
Andai dia bukan jodohku,
Maka berilah ganti yang lebih baik buatnya,
Betikanlah dia insan yang benar benar terbaik buat kehidupannya,
Insan yang benar benar mampu memimpinnya ke syurga-MU,
dan bantulah aku untuk memperbaiki diriku,
Agar aku kukuh dalam mencari cintaMU

Amiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin



Even if I'm lose this time, I still thankful to Allah 
because I already deal with this fear.

Even I cannot hold The Best Debater Cup
but still I still feel glad to Allah 
because I already deal with this fear. 

I just wish one thing. 
When I step out from the crowded hold,
I will not fear anymore. 

Thank You Allah for stay by my side. 

May Allah Bless

Bahas Ala Parlimen

Alhamdulillah, finally the two suffer days reach at the end.
I'm really thankful and thank you for all teachers and supporters
whose never give up in giving opinion and moral support to us. 
I believe everything happen for a reason
I know I cannot have my bright smile today because the journey is still far.

Thank You Allah for giving me this victory.
Thank You for spirit that you provide me.
in hard and bright day, YOU always there

I hope for the next stage, we still can achieve the success
You Know The Best For Us

May Allah Bless

Sunday, March 18, 2012

But even if I fail, it’s all right, this is the price to pay for being young

Go Mi Nam: Since I can see stars from anywhere, even if I’m not here, I can always see you, Hyung-nim.
Hwang Tae Kyung: I can’t see you very well. It’s frustrating that I can’t see you. So don’t go where I can’t see you, Go Mi Nam.

I can't see anything. I can't see Go Mi Nam. I told you not to be where I can't see you!
— Hwang Tae Kyung