1. I don't like being pushy. So when I seek for help, I will only ask for once. Sebab aku bukan jenis nak kena dapat apa yang aku nak, by putting other people dalam keadaan dia susah dan tak selesa. If I want what I want, I will get it, by help from people if I need it, but not forcing them into it. There are two major different.
2. If someone call for help, don't wait for them to explain the situation. Some people are just not good at it, or, if that could be done, they won't seek for help leh. Think! And I would feel pathetic to explain an essay long before I could get an help. That's why, when people come for my help, either two; I will help, or I won't. Whatever comes later, I shall be responsible for the conseqences of my action. I won't go to them and tell them "why don't you tell a little sooner?" Sebab orang bila dah minta tolong, means, dia sendiri dah dalam keadaan tak selesa. So, if you nak tolong, you tolong, no matter in what condition they are in -- unexplained.
3. And people have right to express what they are feeling. But one thing though, adab bila minta tolong, kalau orang say yes untuk bantu, alhamdulillah. Kalau orang tak nak tolong pun, alhamdulillah. Either way pun, kau tetap akan belajar. You will learn, that -- no one is going to stay. Mereka takkan selalu ada. And it is a very lonely journey. Dan tak ada apa pun yang salah. As I said, adulting is not easy. You need to handle everything in your plate by your own, you don't have time to bother what is in other's. No hard feelings.
4. However, situasi diatas hanya valid kalau kau minta tolong dari stranger or someone yang not really close with you. But if you had deep relationship dengan people, it might get a bit twisted. Why? Because there is string attached. And normally, when you know someone personally, you know their stories. And when you know their stories, you stored everything in your memory. And when you feel left behind, (they don't really put you behind la), people just have their own priority and you cannot get angry when you are not someone's priority.
5. However (again!), even robot had feelings nowadays. When someone close to you make you feel like you are not a priority, it makes you somehow bitter. But you wanted to understand them. You wanted to tell yourself that it is alright. You wanted to tell yourself that it is okay, and you are not losing the world. But then again, to put yourself in someone shoes, to understand that they don't have intention to hurt you. To understand every bit of what is happening around, you won't be able to do that with a smile. And I, cannot do the process with a smile. I need my own time, my own space.
6. And don't bother to know what people hid inside. Don't push people to explain, when you are not ready for the truth. Because when there are two people, one of them is emotionless, another is emotional. Of course thing won't go as they both planned. So, instead of wondering what was in each other's mind, just know that you guys are actually looking at the very same thing, but from different angle. And what work best? Associate with those who look at the same direction as you, from the same angle.
7. That's why. Reposition is a need. Not to put the blame on people. Not to create a distance. Just so, both parties could be enjoy the scenery comfortably. Because they speak the same language at equal frequency.
This is the logic and rational. But when you involve your emotions, this rule is void.
And darling, adulthood is no longer about what we like/dislike. We just need to do what we need to do. That's it. Even if it is uncomfortable, you need to do it. Just like moving from your sister house to your friend's. Not because you don't love her, just because staying together will benefit no one. Sebab lebih dari orang lain, kau yang paling faham hubungan kau dengan famili sendiri.
Tak semua orang was blessed with family yang sync. Yang masuk air sama2 and get along well in whatever condition. Some, they realised that the gap of their personality tu is very different. And if staying together makes things worst, why stay? If keeping a distance could save it from getting worst, why stay? So, even if it is uncomfortable to put a line with family, if it was something you need to do, for better purpose, why stay?
Being emotionless like this will end up making someone feels lonely. But truth is, life is a lonely journey.