Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Industrial Exposure

Suck! That was my first impression after the IE briefing.Macam nak terbalik dewan kuliah (dk) dengan suara suara tak puas hati daripada students. Less than five weeks, management (mgt) asking us to look for any company untuk buat attachment. The most ridiculous part is - any job will do even cleaning the toilet which hundred percent tak related dengan our scope of study. Yang tambah bengang student tu, sebab the purpose of this IE thingy is for promoting the university. It seems so. Like, anywhere you go, when you mention unikl, the whole world will know "ohh, that uni aaa". Huh. So, regardless what management had to say, everything sounds wrong to us - the student who currently have been forced to involved in many programs we did not want to. 

So, taking advantage - I am working with my dad. Do the house chores, watching tv, cooking, eating and sleeping. In return, I got the stamp! It goes easy for me, that is why I couldn't say much about it because I feel like I am cheating while others are working really hard to complete the IE program. These fella, I ask Allah to bless them and give them the success as they really deserve it. Oh, forget to tell, what makes students mad the most is because this program will be executed during our two weeks semester break for 14 days. Dalam erti kata lain, after final exam, we will go for IE, then terus masuk new semester. In much more simpler and hurtful words, NO CUTI!! for this semester. 

I know there is always a loop to improve and I know our institution is working at their best to provide the best services to their students. However, it would be so great if they are not using the students as the experiment as it is not them who will bear the consequences. It won't be a problem if they told us earlier, at least we are well prepared - you know, siapa nak amik kerja untuk two weeks time? kfc pun reject. so most of us, either tak buat or join catering. Our education system is quite a mess right now, but maybe it was a sign of improvement - we don't know. However, I really hope, our future generation could enjoy systematic system in their education. 

Thank you, assalammualaikum.