Friday, October 25, 2013

#out #off #exam #nomood #deep #break #lazy #intotwo 

Exam week,

Thursday, October 24, 2013

a little words :)

aku tak macam mereka
mampu menginspirasikan orang dengan hanya kata-kata
tapi mereka tidak salah.
sebahagian daripada apa yang mereka katakan,
aku juga merasakan dan mengalaminya.
cuma aku bukan si pujangga yang bijak
menyusun kata- kata

selalu sahaja timbul rasa iri dalam jiwa
sebab tak mampu bermadah kata seperti mereka.
kata kata mereka bukan kata kata jiwang tak bermaka.
kata kata mereka bukan hanya kata kata kosong sepi dan tak terisi
tapi kata kata mereka ada sesuatu yang luar biasa.

mereka menginspirasi
mereka memotivasi
dan mereka punya satu journey hidup yang extraordinary.
bagi mereka ordinary.
tapi tidak bagi aku yang masih mencari jalan keluar dari tempurung ini.

aik, katak kah aku?

ya, berotak manusia berakal tiada.
menikmati apa yang ada tidak.
bersyukur jauh sekali.

rasanya dunia semakin mati kerana umatnya yang sedang nazak.
rasanya dunia semakin panas kerana hati umat
yang cepat sangat maraknya.
rasanya dunia tak stabil kerana umat yang menjalani hidup dengan
melanggar segala rule.
bayangkan milo+susu dibancuh dalam satu mug dan diisi dengan air panas 100C
sehingga tumpah tumpah selekeh meja?
tak ke bodoh namanya?

entahlah. Ini dunia. Fana
Fatamorgana bersepah tak terkira.
Rasa nak sangat selamatkan diri ni dengan orang2 tercinta tapi
kalau nak buat, tetap akan buat juga.

pendosa ni, tak layak masuk syurga
tapi tak berani juga nak junam ke neraka.
dan yang paling pendosa ni takut segala dosa-dosa yang dilakukan
akan menarik kaki ibu dan ayah dengan kejam masuk neraka sama.

kita tahu panas neraka tak terbayang.
tapi kita masih leka dengan syurga palsu ciptaan syaitan.

Apa yang kita mahu dan apa yang kita kejar sebenarnya?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Human Resource Management. Done
International Shipping Business. Done

For now will focus on, Agama dan Perbezaan Q&A by Uztaz Khalid.

. will have one day off.

From Shipping Business presentation just now I notice that Dato' prefer us to present in the simple form (point form).
In term of report pulak, he prefee us to put heading and all. Title is the most important thing that we must put the title in one page.

After all, I satisfied with the mark but still i'm thinking that I can do better

Friday, October 11, 2013

got emo so sudden..

Finally I’m homed. My aim is their smile. Feel good when mama like the presents. It may not be much as compared to what she has done for me. To grow me up till now, she is the best mama in the world. Growing up in such ordinary life with extraordinary love, make me feel blessed. Thanks Allah because you give this kind of family to me.

Back then, Ayah was very fierce with his child. My siblings and I usually will keep our mistakes hidden from ayah, but then he will find out as he is an investigator. I wonder if he’s a secret agent of CSI. Lol.

But, I realise when my siblings and I grow up, actually he’s trying his best in raise five of us and for me he did his best at his max. His attitude has thought me to be who am I today. He feed me good foods and drinks, he give me best cloth and he never forget to provide me with the most important things that is religion. He thought me how to read iqra’, muqadam and quran. I remember the rotten he had on his hand when teaching me. I remember how I get hit by it when I didn’t get the right pronounce even I have repeated it for several times. I remember how he will remind my siblings and me about every little thing. As usually, at time like this, mama is the best protector. She will do everything she could so that we will not do anything that ayah didn’t like. When i got mad by ayah or when I feel down, mama will be the best listener and she will be there to give me advises even sometimes I refuse to hear.

I will cry. Yeah, they didn’t know that I am crying because I don’t like to show my weakness but hey, I am human being okay. Absolutely I have thorough that down sad moment. The tears. After it went down to my gebu cheek, I will feel so relieve. I think that is why Allah put rains in our eyeball. Lol.

But what is sibling without argument. My sisters and brothers are the best at make my blood raise to the max celcius. They irritated me with their character and their words, but does it really matter? When I am here, staying far from them I think, the argument with them is the best I ever had. I can be totally myself. I can be so outspoken and we got fight but after that five of us can get along together as usually like nothing happen. All the advices we take as reflection to make ourselves better than yesterday. I just wonder why I can’t do that with my best bestfriends. Like impossible.

Food paradise. Here the term food paradise refers to my parent homemade foods. Thanks God, now I can eat sambal belacan and I am addicted to it. Today when I reached home, the food are all prepared on the table. Simple dishes but fulfil the requirement to open my appetite.

And now, when I was writing such of jiwang post here, my lil sister move all of her stuff like towel, pillow, sweater, telekung etc into my room. Yeah, she is sharing room with me but mama told me that currently my lil sister was staying in my sister room while my absent. She must miss me so damn much. Ahhh...I will let them know that I miss them too. Too much I can not bear and because of that I ask my lecturer to replace and postponed our classes. If we really want it and work for it we will totally get it. Today I smile. People ever said, ‘jangan ketawa ketawa sangat, nanti sedih sangat sangat’. For me, as we have chances to smile then let ourselves enjoy the smile. We never know when we can smile again. It is right that we must remember about other who is unfortunate when we are happy but when happy time comes just smile to the world. Just spread the smile and laugh. At least, they know that sadness never last forever and there is always the light in the sorrow. At least, they can still can hope that their happiness will come soon.
Hope never a fault.


I cannot blame others when they are not having same view as mine but that is not our mistakes at all to have different opinion. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

This what we called family is.

Don't you feel it weird? to be so kind to your siblings after not meet them in a few long weeks?
i do think it weird before. 
ergh...i am not someone who will miss my siblings so much back then. 
yeah, maybe because they always in front of my eyes and i was like,
can you get lost from my sight like just one day?
but, after i think about it then I realise how much I miss them all. 
with all hardship at people's place,
I do confront the problems alone without them. 
I realise that all of this while, they are the one who give me the light. 
the light for me to keep moving in the dark. 
without them, I never know what is world today. 
they are jerk. a little brat! 
but, it was really fine actually. 
To have them is a bless for me. 
I am glad to have them in my life. 
Its okay to have a little bit argument, a little bit dissatisfaction and a little bit fight, 
because what I know, this is what make my life so colorful and beautiful. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Nak tahu satu benda tak?
"apa yang kita buat, kita akan dapat balik"
kiratan dunia. no one can deny it!

jsut now, i was look around and blog walking kejap 
and I found my ex-classmate, ex-schoolmate yang probably I will never forget
because of she has done.
but then, hey..i am growing up here. who really care the past actually?

yeah, she was advising people for not mengaibkan orang or bad mouth 
about someone yang we don't know what their character really is.
she was advising people to grow up and be mature!
hahahha..i am laughing. lmao

In case, I can meet her right now the most useful advise I want to give her is, 
"go to kedai dua ringgit and but a mirror please"