Monday, August 20, 2012

Heart BreaK

Once upon a time, I was looking outside the window in deep thought, "I'm so happy it's ridiculous. I wish I knew how heartbreak feels like" Now, wishing that is ridiculous. Looking back at my self five years ago, I wanted to step back into the past and slap her face and tell her to not wish stupid things. 

Because heart break is the lousiest feeling in the world. You are pathetic one way or another. You keep telling yourself you can cope, and it sounds pathetic. You cry yourself to sleep, and that's pathetic too. You eat chocolate and write in your blog that chocolate is better than a relationship, and that's one rubbish that is pathetic in every sense 

But now, I  don't think all of that is important anymore. I think the waiting game, the meeting a lot of strange characters, the pain and suffering that comes with heartbreak is just stepping stone towards something even more

little from Valentina Nervosa

We have same story line, the differ is just you have better place than me. You should glad about that/!
You're arrogant, arrogant and arrogant but you arrogant with peoples you don't know and you don't want to know. I think my name was in 'you don't want to know' am I right? 

No matter what, I wish you happy day. Salam 

p/s:: I've Mix Feeling Right Now 

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