Monday, June 24, 2019

Sunday Class

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

For an introduction, I would like to inform all of you that we have been organizing two hours class to share some knowledge about products and business stuff, so you are being mentored by those who have succeed in this business. I firstly join, not because of the business, but because I need an escape where it can brings and give me positive energy, and thankfully, I found it here. 

Class will be on every Sunday (9.30am - 11.30am), suitable for all age range. Many comes with families. This class was divided into three to four section. 

1. Nutrilite (Vitamins & Supplements) - 30 mins 
2. Cooking/Demo - 60 mins
3. Sharing - 15 mins
4. Marketing Plan - 15 mins

I will surely share the contents in each section later on.
This class is open to all, the more you invite to spread the news is the better. Two hours for earn some knowledge will never hurt you and will always return back to your favor. I know many want to stay and spend their Sunday at home, but believe me that it worth your two hours. 

I firstly join in January 2019. I have been so consistent attending the class without failed. The only reason why I go, is because I need to know what is inside the food I am eating. I learned that nowadays, due to the need, we could no longer avoids eating "poisoning food". Fast food, food coloring, we are taking it at high percentage. However, there is solution to counter the result caused by this behavior. We will learn more and share more.

N E X T  T O G E T H E R

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Resetting life goals.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

New resolution biasanya dibuat pada awal tahun, itu yang bersepah penuh feed instagram, twitter, facebook dan pelbagai platform media sosial dengan post yang menyampaikan message new resolution mereka. Tapi, new resolution atau azam ni, tak semestinya nak kena buat time tahun baru ja. Sebab manusia ni, ada naik turun dia. We always had a change of heart. Sebab tu penting, untuk kita selalu reset balik goals and objective hidup kita. Tara mana kita nak pi, jauh mana lagi kita tinggal dan apa langkah-langkah kita untuk hadapi semua cabaran to make sure kita sampai ke destinasi yang kita dok aim dari dulu. 

Seperti kebanyakan orang lain, aku macam tu juga. Turun naik. Semua tahu aku dok buat satu business ni, tapi aku sendiri tahu, aku tak bagi commitment pun pada business aku ni. Buatlah perniagaan apa pun, kalau kita tak consistent, memang tak akan jadi. Cut it short, Amway dah perkenalkan new marketing plan untuk new fiscal year. Lebih banyak ganjaran untuk yang berusaha keras. Lebih banyak peluang yang dibuka kepada lebih ramai orang. Tinggal kita ni nak ke tak je. 

Jadi, aku dah tekad nak komited dalam 18 bulan kedepan ni. Jadi semua yang membaca post ni, harap dapat doa sama kat aku. Kasi kita semua berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Aku ni memang minat menulis dari dulu, tapi kerana lama sangat dah tinggal, aku sampai rasa kekok nak karang ayat panjang panjang. Tapi, kalau dok bercakap tu, ha hang bagilah kat aku -- mesti juara!! Hhaha

So, blog ni, aku akan gunakan sebagai satu platform juga untuk tulis article berkenaan product product Amway yang aku pakai dan aku share dengan semua orang, supaya semua dapat benefit yang sama. Sebab kadang kita tak tahu, mungkin perkongsian kita tentang satu-satu product tu dapat membantu orang lain yang memang tengah mencari solusi kepada masalah dia. 

Contohnya, kawan baik aku sendiri, mengalami masalah ezema, yang mana hujung jari dia sampai hilang licin thumbprint. Nak buat urusan apa pun susah. Nak salahkan siapa kalau dah jadi macam tu? Tak ada salah sapa pun. Allah nak uji kita, nak hapus dosa kita, memang dengan sakit. Tapi kita pun, jangan pi depan muka dia, kata "Ha, Allah nak uji hang tu. Banyak sangat dosa". Kepala hang! Dosa pahala orang bukan kita yang atur. Dan sentiasa ingat, kadang Allah nak uji kita, bukan dia. Allah nak uji, how we behave towards orang yang tengah susah. Kita tolong ke, atau kita buat saja. 

Cut it short, aku bermula dengan bismillah. Ambillah mana yang elok. Tegur mana yang tak. InshaAllah aku berlapang dada dengan semua teguran untuk self betterment. Semoga kita berjaya sama-sama.


p/s: Originally, we work not for money, but for family. We thought the more we earned, the higher our purchasing power. We could treat our family for a trip. Spend some time bawa mereka keluar jalan. But surprisingly, we all find that there is no enough time to spend leisurely with family. Jadi kita sebenarnya (at least me) memang dah lari dari objektif hidup aku yang sebenarnya. 

p/s 2: Mungkin sudah masanya untuk kita betul-betul sit down and think about our future. Do we want to do whatever we are doing right now for the next ten and twenty years? 

Good deeds never dies

Saturday, June 1, 2019

I don't really know 
what's the right thing to do. 

I sincerely do not know.

Of lies we tell

Lies are not addictive
The reason why people tell lies after lies,
is because they missed the right timing
to tell the truth.

Lies are not addictive.
The rule is, you need to cover a lies
with another lies.
or else, everything you want to keep hidden
will be hidden.

Therefore, don't get too offended
when someone lies to you.
Believe me, they are not in peace, 
and that's enough for you.