Back then.
People judge me. Without even give me the opportunities to defend myself.
People judge me.Just because they hear from someone else, they make distance.
People judge me. Because of my physical appearance.
People judge me.Maybe because I don't reach their level of intelligence.
People judge me.Labeling me as an arrogant bastard without knowing me.
People judge and people will never stop judging others, because people will never want to understand that everyone is not coming from the same background as their.
People always want to put others people on the same level as them, and when you are not fit with their specification, they will thrown you away.
I have being judged and thrown away by people.
I know how exactly does it feel to be ignored, being prejudiced, labelled and typed by irresponsible people. I ever feel that and never want to do that to another human being. Because its hurt so much, it could harden one's heart. The most dangerous part is, we never know that we could be among those who kill that one heart. Because as long as we are not in someone else shoes, we never want to understand.
This is what happen in my class last night. There is a boy who people describe him as (lazy, not reliable, will not cooperate well, will not participate, etc). Yeah, I admit that he does look like that, but what makes people so heartless (I mean, everyone is trying not to get him on their group). Okay, it is not their fault anyway because that boy give a bad first impression but, I think we really need to open ourselves to know people by heart.
I took him in, for my group assignment - task number one (lakonan). Haha, okay I already excited when it comes to acting!! lalala. Okay back to the story, everyone have one tiny hole in their soul. A hole that contain secrets about their past, a hole where they keep all the pain which becomes the reason why that person can be that person today. Get it?
Our past teach us valuable and priceless lesson which make someone more careful/carefree, which make someone gloomy/happier. It depends. and those who have been hit by painful past - they grow weirder. They present themselves differently than the other. The complex mind that they have, is not for just anyone to enter and understand. It really need a lot of sabar and practice to calm down this kind of person.
and I think, people have the power to ignore others and judge others just because they got a bunch of people behind them. But there is always a reminder for all of that - remember that 'that bunch' of people behind your back now, might turn their back to you anyway. People never learn how to be loyal to one and another. It takes a lot of courage for someone to be loyal anyway.
Argh, I hate talking about this stuff because I am a bit sensitive when people pulaukan someone just because they still have friends beside them, and without a reasonable reason, they judge about that one person without knowing that one person better. Okay, I am done for now - because my misty eye won't allow me to write more.