Lot of us doesn't really like Monday but I love Monday damn much.
Because it is a new starter.
Because it was my Prophet Muhammad born day.
Because Monday is just same as another day.
It is ourself who make it special or otherwise.
Stability --
"stabil ke Rhan pakai heels" - Hakim
Of course he would ask me that because I never wear heels to college.
But, I can't hide this feeling.
What word people nowdays use, ha "menganjing"
He's doing that to me.
Kalau aku tak stabil, kalau aku jatuh aku akan bangun sendiri.
Selama ni kalau aku rebah pun,
Kaki aku yang papah badan sendiri untuk bangun kembali.
Aku dah lali dengan sakitnya jatuh.
InsyaAllah, aku mampu berdiri jika kali ini aku jatuh lagi.