Saturday, April 21, 2012

''Tempat sape ni wey? Macam nak pindah je!!'' - Effa
''Kau ni cakap ikut sedap je, kalau budak tu ada kat sini cam mana?'' - Unknown 
''mana? mana budak tu?'' - effa 

she's coming towards me and smilleeee !!!

''dari sekolah mana?'' -effa 
''dang anum..''- aku 

Aku kembali ke katil double decker yang menempatkan aku dibawah & effa [bdk SBPIS] kat atas. I put my scarf. Aku membelakangkan effa. 

''Ya Allah!! stress nyer aku''- effa 

#Aku Hanya Mampu Senyum =) & seriously I don't mind because its not a rare situation in dorm. She honest and at least she is not lying. 

First day, Aku, Echa & Jee macam orang gila!! Kitorang tension tahap TERA!! Budak kelas Edison amatlah senyap.. Jauh Panggang Daripada Api dengan kelas 5 BETA 

"jangan kata masuk. nak lalu depan kelas tu pun kitorang takut. Dengar bunyi angin jer'' - Iya
''dak Kit memang macam tu'' - Izzah 
''Anyway, tolong say sorry lah kat Kit sebab buat dia uncomfortable selama 4 days ni. Thanks gak sebab sudi terima dan sudi memaksakan diri diorang terima kitorang kat sini'' - Aku

''Syudud....!!!'' Finally aku nampak dia. JEJAK KASIH disitu =) 2 years I think since we're form 3.
''Farah Farhana?'' - Zera
''ingat saya tak?'' - Jannah
''patutlah macam pernah nampak'' [ forum ] - Bibi

Itulah advantages bila always pergi camp dan kena paksa pergi kursus !! :)

Empat hari bukanlah tempoh yang lama tapi cukup untuk aku belajar dan memahami budaya pelajar SBPIS. Guru disini bukanlah sebagai pembimbing tetapi sebagai fasilatator yang bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan para pelajar itu mampu membimbing diri mereka sendiri. Untuk kali pertama bagi yang tidak memahami, aku percaya mereka tidak menyukai lifestyle sebegitu. Yang mana setiap pekerjaan harus diuruskan sendiri. Namun apa yang diterapkan di SBPIS adalah untuk kebaikan jangka panjang bagi setiap pelajar.

Aku cemburu tengok bond between ahli dorm. Diorang bukan hanya ada single bond tapi juga covalent bond yang menjadi catalyst kepada pembangunan kemanusiaan dalam diri mereka.
''kitorang cover antara satu sama lain'' - Izza Shahira
Teringin nak ada friends yang memang like family dengan aku. Friends yang boleh accept kelemahan luar dan dalam. Friends yang takkan let my spirit down. Friends yang know how my mood just by looking at my face. Friends who know to respect to my speech when I'm serious. Friends who know how to be NOT SELFISH. Friends who know how to behave and how to obey to an order. Friends who know how to adapt themselves in situation. Friends who know how to be an obstacle for each bad things I want do. Friends who willing to listen. I mean .. friends in the term of TRUE FRIEND.

To all my friends, you are good enough for me. I 'm not going to demand because the one who want changes is me. How long does our friendship going through in this journey but we cannot deny that we still cannot find the key of our friendship. Till now, we all cover up our secret and this secret actually a barrier in friendship but I know not everything we can share. Even between us, we can only spoke behind. If we talk face to face, we will tend to misunderstand and fighting. I'm not good in tolerance with others but others also hard to understand what actually that I want to say. And each time I give an idea or maybe an explanation, everyone keep misunderstood me but you guys must know that I cannot hold what I want to say. Like you ever say that blog is not just an entertainment for you and blog is a place where you spill out what you feel but you cannot say, it same with me here. This is just my opinion because I know myself is not good enough to be your bestfriend. I hope we can improve ourselves to have covalent bond like sbpis dormmate have. This is just my opinion, my writing, my diary, what I feel and people who read this have no right to touching or anger with me because everyone have right to speak out their words. And Its Just A Talk.

Berbalik kepada experience in Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Intergrasi Selandar; Last wish aku to all people yang aku sempat kenal kat sana ;
Iizzah shahira
fatin afiqah
fatin [newton]
guys.... semoga korang dapat STRAIGHT A's + in SPM and wish me the same thing here.
To effa - good luck for kau punya international competition
To Muzakir - good luck for your national tadarus Al-Quran
Even korang semua tak tahu apa yang aku merepek meraban sorang2 kat sini. Tapi semoga Allah bless kitorang semua.

THANKS BY FARAH FARHANA KARIM is hoping you undertand. 

SecoNd Epi

''Tempat sape ni wey? Macam nak pindah je!!'' - Effa
''Kau ni cakap ikut sedap je, kalau budak tu ada kat sini cam mana?'' - Unknown 
''mana? mana budak tu?'' - effa 

she's coming towards me and smilleeee !!!

''dari sekolah mana?'' -effa 
''dang anum..''- aku 

Aku kembali ke katil double decker yang menempatkan aku dibawah & effa [bdk SBPIS] kat atas. I put my scarf. Aku membelakangkan effa. 

''Ya Allah!! stress nyer aku''- effa 

#Aku Hanya Mampu Senyum =) & seriously I don't mind because its not a rare situation in dorm. She honest and at least she is not lying. 

First day, Aku, Echa & Jee macam orang gila!! Kitorang tension tahap TERA!! Budak kelas Edison amatlah senyap.. Jauh Panggang Daripada Api dengan kelas 5 BETA 

"jangan kata masuk. nak lalu depan kelas tu pun kitorang takut. Dengar bunyi angin jer'' - Iya
''dak Kit memang macam tu'' - Izzah 
''Anyway, tolong say sorry lah kat Kit sebab buat dia uncomfortable selama 4 days ni. Thanks gak sebab sudi terima dan sudi memaksakan diri diorang terima kitorang kat sini'' - Aku

''Syudud....!!!'' Finally aku nampak dia. JEJAK KASIH disitu =) 2 years I think since we're form 3.
''Farah Farhana?'' - Zera
''ingat saya tak?'' - Jannah
''patutlah macam pernah nampak'' [ forum ] - Bibi

Itulah advantages bila always pergi camp dan kena paksa pergi kursus !! :)

Empat hari bukanlah tempoh yang lama tapi cukup untuk aku belajar dan memahami budaya pelajar SBPIS. Guru disini bukanlah sebagai pembimbing tetapi sebagai fasilatator yang bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan para pelajar itu mampu membimbing diri mereka sendiri. Untuk kali pertama bagi yang tidak memahami, aku percaya mereka tidak menyukai lifestyle sebegitu. Yang mana setiap pekerjaan harus diuruskan sendiri. Namun apa yang diterapkan di SBPIS adalah untuk kebaikan jangka panjang bagi setiap pelajar.

Aku cemburu tengok bond between ahli dorm. Diorang bukan hanya ada single bond tapi juga covalent bond yang menjadi catalyst kepada pembangunan kemanusiaan dalam diri mereka.
''kitorang cover antara satu sama lain'' - Izza Shahira
Teringin nak ada friends yang memang like family dengan aku. Friends yang boleh accept kelemahan luar dan dalam. Friends yang takkan let my spirit down. Friends yang know how my mood just by looking at my face. Friends who know to respect to my speech when I'm serious. Friends who know how to be NOT SELFISH. Friends who know how to behave and how to obey to an order. Friends who know how to adapt themselves in situation. Friends who know how to be an obstacle for each bad things I want do. Friends who willing to listen. I mean .. friends in the term of TRUE FRIEND.

To all my friends, you are good enough for me. I 'm not going to demand because the one who want changes is me. How long does our friendship going through in this journey but we cannot deny that we still cannot find the key of our friendship. Till now, we all cover up our secret and this secret actually a barrier in friendship but I know not everything we can share. Even between us, we can only spoke behind. If we talk face to face, we will tend to misunderstand and fighting. I'm not good in tolerance with others but others also hard to understand what actually that I want to say. And each time I give an idea or maybe an explanation, everyone keep misunderstood me but you guys must know that I cannot hold what I want to say. Like you ever say that blog is not just an entertainment for you and blog is a place where you spill out what you feel but you cannot say, it same with me here. This is just my opinion because I know myself is not good enough to be your bestfriend. I hope we can improve ourselves to have covalent bond like sbpis dormmate have. This is just my opinion, my writing, my diary, what I feel and people who read this have no right to touching or anger with me because everyone have right to speak out their words. And Its Just A Talk.

Berbalik kepada experience in Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Intergrasi Selandar; Last wish aku to all people yang aku sempat kenal kat sana ;
Iizzah shahira
fatin afiqah
fatin [newton]
guys.... semoga korang dapat STRAIGHT A's + in SPM and wish me the same thing here.
To effa - good luck for kau punya international competition
To Muzakir - good luck for your national tadarus Al-Quran
Even korang semua tak tahu apa yang aku merepek meraban sorang2 kat sini. Tapi semoga Allah bless kitorang semua.

THANKS BY FARAH FARHANA KARIM is hoping you undertand. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

FirSt Epi



Monday, April 16, 2012

My BedRoom

Once in my lifetime...
"cisss buruk bebenau anak dara ni.. ade ke kemas bilik sekali seumur hidup" ... zreettttttt tak adalah tend sampai begitu teruk sekali.
My room not as big as a hall, so actually aku tak payah lah nak keluarkan tenaga bagai nak rak kan?
Tetapi.. memandangkan aku sedang menuju ke destinasi cintaku (exam MY), maka buku yang dibaca aku amik dan aku berasmaradana dengan beliau diatas katil... muehehehehehe. Keesokan harinya, sejurus mama menyanyikan lagu cinta buatku maka aku terus bangun dan biasalah... buku kemana, aku kemana.
sorry - the truth is, jarang sekali buku tu nak terbuka sebelum aku tidur. Biasanya aku buat prop je before tidur. Jadilah kan than tak hade langsung !!!!!!

Sekali selak.... mak aiii, cantiknya kristal kristal kelabu bawah tikar nih! [ actually tu habuk ]. Sobs sobs sobs, sayangnya nak buang kristal niehh
"kau gila ke hape?"
hesshh potong steam betul lha!! buah darah putih aku menggelegak jer. Habis platelets aku semua dah suam suam kuku. Its okay, aku go on dengan penemuan berdarah aku yang kedua bersama Hencik Misteri. Siapakah atau Apakah?

Setakat ni Hencik Misteri yang aku dah jumpa ada 2.
Yang Pertama sewaktu aku mengemas bilik pada bulan Mac dan yang kedua semalam, bulan April. Nak tahu apakah dia? Heheheheheh, Hencik Misteri itu ialah CICAK KOBENG!!!! Cicak ni panjang dan gemok gilaaa. Kalau kakak aku tengok, aku comfirm dia tak akan jejakkan kaki dia dalam bathroom aku! Hahahahahaha
But because aku ni tergolong dalam kumpulan yang sopan dan serba serbi perempuan melayu terakhir, maka aku mendiamkan diri dan mematikan planning devil aku tuh!!!

Persoalannya adalah..... adakah bedroom aku tuh betul2 bedroom aku? I mean, you know. Nama je bedroom tapi kusyen panjang depan tv tu jugak yang menjadi pujaan hati.
Persoalannya adalah.... pujaan hati atau aku yang membawa diri? Harrrggghhhh... Ya Allah Ikhlaskan Hati HambaMU ini,

Lets Tidy Our Bedroom.. "OUR??" . I mean you tidy yours and I tidy mine.... Assalamualaikum. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Informal Letter

First of all thank you Malaysia sebab sis pentadbirannya bukanlah sis republik. Kalau tak memang tak merasalah aku nak dapat rest one day , time all teachers keep giving Hwork kat aku!

Whole day nie aku nak cari all information tentang usul perbahasan yang cikgu aku bagi semalam. Tajuk tajuk dia memang agak melampau susahnye yer.. so kalau korang ingat aku boleh cari all the information in one day dengan internet yang 'laju macam siput' dan nafsu aku terhadap mengdownload songs and stalk blog people people tu so,memang tak lah aku boleh cari dalam one day. kan!!!

Hahahahahahahaha [ Nampak Sangat Tak Ikhlas Kan ]

Pusingan Pertama :

Pusingan Separuh Akhir :

Pusingan Akhir :

Buntu aku mencari idea. Buntu aku mencari penyelesaiannya. Buntu aku mencari analoginya.
This will be the last competition yang aku akan buat sebab after this aku kena concentrated dengan all subjects especially addmath abd biology.

Semoga Allah Memberkati 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This Is What I Call Dilemma

Bahas or Sbpi ? 
kau pergi tak? 
kau nak pergi tak?
mana satu nieh? 
kau nak pergi bahas tak?
kau nak pergi sbpi tak?
mana satu nieh? 
.dua dua boleh?.

Teachers show the way and I need to make a decision! I accept for the things written for me

Sunday, April 8, 2012



1. who thought that we can meet again huh? 
it is so amazing, always bump into you in place which have no romantic value. 

2. This year is quite weird for me I think. Not I think but I felt.
Thanks Mama. Thanks Ayah because not complain for the novels like always.

Awak Sayang Saya Tak 
Mr Arrogant 
Biarkan Ia Berlalu
Cinta Si Ikan Buntal dan Si Kambing Liar 
Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia 

Totalnya is rm hundred and above. Gila!! "kau nak buat storage sampai mati ke hape?'' 

# Aku Nak Senyum Sahaja

3. Owh.. so many people know my dad ekh? Aku turut terbabit kah? I feel airless with this condition. 
I have no much space to do whatever I like but sometimes I like because I GET ;
quite much opportunity 
quite much free give 
quite much discount 
quite much smiley I receive 
quite much free coupon and that mean quite much free food actually

For all the things that I receive. I feel a bit arrogant because I think that hall is mine. Jerk huh?

# Aku Nak Senyum Sahaja 

4. Hadiah.................Hadiah..............Hadiah............
I get the present on my own effort not on my dad's name. I fill the form and I send to the right booth. 
On my own effort. Finally, I get a mini keyboard from CASIO.
Thank You Casio. 

I'am so happy, and trying to make my sister jealous. Who knows that my father already bought
a lighting keyboard for her. No wonder lah dia tak surprise with my present. 
Excuse me, I'm not jealous ok. Aku nak swift. 

# Aku Happy Sangat. Alhamdulillah

5. Do not want thinking too much about lovey dovey matter so, I enjoy each moment in 
hotel bedroom with two sisters. Ha'ahhh...takdelah boring mana because khusyuk je aku menghadap "Barbie and The Swan Lake" 

# Aku Tak Rasa Bosan Pun 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sweet Candy and Rule

lelaki dan ayat gula-gula.

ayat gula-gula?
ayat-ayat manis la.
kamu itu sangat mudah perasan kan?
kamu suka bila dipuja puji.
kamu suka bila ada orang admire kamu.
kamu rasa bahawa at least ada someone yang peduli.
kamu rasa bahawa at least ada someone yang baik.

kamu sedarkan,
hati kamu itu sangat mudah tersentuh.
cepat benar terasa bunga-bunga,
bila mendengar ayat-ayat yang penuh ‘gula-gula’.

kamu tahukan,
kamu cepat benar cair,
hanya pada bicara dan perkataan,
dan perbuatan lelaki yang pada anggapan kamu,
sweet dan caring.

sweet pada pandangan kamu,
caring pada anggapan kamu,
adalah dosa pada catatan malaikat,
dan zina mengikut hukum Allah.

sweet itu,
biarlah selepas halal.
caring itu,
biarlah selepas sah, menjadi hak.
sebelum itu,
biarkan kamu allergy dengan ayat-ayat manis,
yang meniti di bibir-bibir lelaki.”

May Allah Forgive Me "Lets Mengislahkan Diri"


It because I need to let it be my secret, so my heart is so hurt when they know nothing. 
I must understand that they don't understand my situation right now. 

please behave yourself Nana =)

It would not take a long time. Just A Little Bit . Hold On 

May Allah Bless 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Your Eyes

Cause I Know You Cannot Lie 

Te Amo' Babe



Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah cause let me learn and let me feel how to be a winner. 
The responsibility is too heavy for me. In pressure to convince others that we can do, 
in pressure to prove to our teacher in return for her anger, Cikgu Mazni and Cikgu Roslan's ecpectation 
and the title of "Pengerusi Terbaik" that I need to make sure I get. 
It so hard and so amazing.

I wish I can do the best, but I cannot promise any victory but Allah knows better than us. 
We, from SMK Dang Anum still maintain our positions as JOHAN and I get "Pengerusi Terbaik"

I Love You Allah. Thank You Allah 

'barakah' from Allah and parent's bless is what I need.
Thank You Ayah, Thank You Mama
cause always support me even you cannot avoid worry about my subjects and my health. 
Anyway thank you cause you always support me for what ever I want to do.

Thank You for friends who always support me =)
 Aisyah. Farhah. Nenek. Najihah. Syak. Syaza.


May Allah Bless 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Today Ottokajo?

Today is my precious day =) 
I want to smile , I want to laugh and I want to do everything that will make me happy enough
to endure all the fear and worry feeling. The guiltiness haunted me. 
I do not know, how should I react but still I do not know what to do. Ottokajo?